2024: ADHD Awareness Month Resources
“Awareness Is Key!” is the theme of ADHD Awareness Month this year.
It is estimated that approximately 7.2% of children worldwide have ADHD, while about 3.4% of adults are estimated to have diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD.
We’re providing you links to ADHD Awareness Month pages below for lots of great information.
For additional general resources that you may find useful, sign up for our monthly “Positive Steps” newsletter.
Understanding A Shared Experience
This link will give you a variety of information covering many aspects of ADHD that you can check out this month. Information is available in Spanish.
Read 7 facts, with cited sources to back up the claims. Also available in handout and poster form.
Many adults have been living with ADHD and don’t recognize it. Why? Because its symptoms are often mistaken for a stressful life.
ADHD Awareness Month Downloads
Download these useful resources vetted by national experts, and spread them widely in your work, community, or school. Available in multiple languages.
Check out these informational videos and share the links as appropriate.