ADHD In Women & Girls Resources

ADHD in women and girls tends to go undiagnosed more often than in males. This is due to different symptoms, different subtypes, and because women tend to internalize rather than externalize. If you’re just discovering you have ADHD as a woman or young woman, we have resources to help. For additional resources for ADHD in women and girls you may find useful, sign up for our monthly “Positive Steps” newsletter.

ADHD In Women & Girls Resources

ADHD Masking Is Another Undue Burden for Women at Work

Sarah Greenberg, MFT, MA, M.Ed, BCC, ADDitude Magazine, Updated on May 12, 2023

Hormonal Changes & ADHD: A Lifelong Tug-of-War

Anni Layne Rodgers, ADDitude Magazine, Updated on May 1, 2023

Why Women with ADHD Feel Disempowered – And What We Can Do About It

Linda Roggli, PCC, ADDitude Magazine, November 17, 2022

Women, Hormones, and ADHD

Laura Flynn McCarthy, ADDitude Magazine, Updated on March 31, 2022

The Motherhood Myth Is Crushing Women with ADHD

Terry Matlen, LMSW, ACSW, ADDitude Magazine, Updated on March 14, 2022

Why ADHD in Women is Routinely Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Treated Inadequately

ADDitude Editors, Medically reviewed by Ellen Littman, Ph.D., ADDitude Magazine, Updated on April 29, 2022

ADHD is Different in Women

ADDitude Editors, ADDitude Magazine, Updated on January 19, 2022

The Best Web Resources for Women with ADHD

ADDitude Editors, ADDitude Magazine, Updated on February 18, 2022

Subscribe to ADDitude’s Free Newletters

ADDitude Magazine, Copyright 1998-2021 New Hope Media LLC

ADDitude Magazine has a wide selection of FREE newsletters that you might find helpful in your daily life and worth checking out.

“Twice Challenged: I Have ADHD and Social Deficit Disorder”

Elizabeth Broadbent, ADDitude Magazine, Updated June 29, 2021

This ADDitude Guest Blog shows how difficult it can be for someone who has ADHD to simply fit in with people in everyday situations and conversations.

A Deceptively Simple System for Getting More Done with ADHD

Robert Pal, ADDitude Magazine, Updated June 29, 2021

Here is another ADDitude Guest Blog which explains how to get tasks completed and the importance of mindfulness as part of the process.

More Tools From Robert Pal

Robert Pal, ADDitude Magazine, Updated June 29, 2021

Follow-up to Robert Pal’s article and his reference on how to access the mediations he mentioned under Tools and Resources on his website.

Disclaimer: A-D-A-MSM provides information about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the form of resources, including articles, books, videos and websites, as well as links to directories to help you find health professionals, services and facilities that provide services for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.  This information and these directories are provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by A-D-A-MSM; and to the best of A-D-A-M’s knowledge are true and accurate at the time of publication.  A-D-A-MSM makes no claim, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the contents found in this information and in these directories, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions.  Although great care is given to the composition and contents provided, A-D-A-MSM cannot guarantee the correctness of the nature and contents of the information.  Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained through these resources does so at his or her own risk.