Q). Why is an organization such as A-D-A-Msm needed?
A). ADHD requires life-long learning about the disorder and its related issues. There is an increasing flow of information through books, the Internet, newsletters, videos and workshops. A person can spend many hours sifting through the vast amount of educational resources and not be sure if the information they found will meet their needs.

Locating health, mental health and other service providers is often a daunting job. Many people find they spend long hours on the phone and come away with few options. Providers often do not have time in their day to research or locate new educational materials or services. This is where A-D-A-Msm can be of assistance. The organization deals strictly with information and in making that information accessible to those who need it.

Q). Why do you use the term ADHD and not ADD?
A). We stay current with the professional nomenclature. Currently that is defined by the ‘Diagnostic and Statistical Manual’. The current DSM-V defines attentional disorders as subtypes of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and therefore we will consistently use ADHD.

Board of Director Openings: Would you like to be part of an interesting and exciting group where you would be able to gain information on ADHD that you could use in your practice?

If this would be a benefit to you then consider becoming a member of the Attention Deficit Awareness of Minnesota, Inc.
(A-D-A-Msm) Board of Directors. We are currently looking for two physicians, two therapists, two social workers, a parent rep and an adult with ADHD who can join us at our noon luncheon board meetings.

If you would like more information email Lee Gehrls at adaminc@charter.net.